Every few years there comes a long a man or woman who spews wisdom and shows a total lack of regard for danger. It is said that the brave only die but once but the coward dies many deaths. Life can be difficult and nothing short of a strong character will see you through.

Many of the bad-ass quotes have been dropped during violent times, like this one from when the Mongols were pursuing their agenda for world domination with devilish single-mindedness.

I am the punishment of God…If you had not committed great sins; God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”- Genghis Khan

Still, there are many quotes that we can learn lessons from and apply to our day-to-day life.

On Equanimity

“Now, now my good man, this is no time to be making enemies.”– (Voltaire on his death bed in response to a priest asking him to renounce the devil and all his works.)

Life is unpredictable and uncertain and the quicker one accepts this idea the easier life gets. Unfortunately, bad things happen. The world is fraught with danger and misfortune that positive thinking and a good attitude will not be enough to see you through.

Equanimity is the ability to keep a cool head even when there is no rational reason to be calm. No one has better charge of his emotions like Voltaire in this quote. It is hard to imagine a more difficult, uncertain and perilous time than when one comes face to face with his mortality.

Voltaire keeps his cool when it mattered most and even adding some humour for good measure. The lesson here is to keep calm in times of uncertainty.

On Confidence

“When I was a child my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk, you’ll be the pope.’ Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.”- Pablo Picasso

There is a thin line between confidence and arrogance but I personally would err on the side of arrogance than live as a victim of circumstances.

I think that humility isn’t shrinking yourself but rather admitting that you do not know the full limits of your capacity. The truly arrogant are those who decide, even before they try, that some goal or other is not achievable.

Confidence will take you a long way in this life. To be truly competent you have to first see yourself as worthy of the task.

On Focus

“Don’t fear failure – Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.” – Bruce Lee

What you focus on expands. If your focus is on being mediocre or just doing enough so there is no risk of failing rest assured that life match your efforts. Failure isn’t as terrible as people make it out to be.

Image result for bruce lee bad ass

Life is challenging and more so when you aim high. Keep your focus on what’s important right now and take every step at its time. Failure is disappointing but it does not compare to carrying the knowledge that you are not all that you could be.

Who you could be is just as real as who you are currently. Your conscience is a far more ruthless judge than failure.

On Time Management

“I say, let no one rob me of a single day who isn’t going to make a full return on the loss.”– Seneca

It is easy to lose your time to people in this digital age we live in. We have phone calls/emails/IM’s/texts and all kinds of communications to deal with.

A good rule of thumb is to remember that your phone is there for your convenience. Unless you are involved in emergency response, those communications aren’t that urgent. Aside from your work/family obligations, which should still be kept within reason, your time is yours and you shouldn’t give it away frivolously. You wouldn’t give away your money or possessions to just anyone so time being your most precious resource should be protected accordingly.

The same applies to you. Opportunities abound to waste your own time so do each thing at its appropriate time. Disciplining your time is one of the greatest skills you can muster in this distracted age.

On Fortitude

My centre is giving way; my right is in retreat, situation excellent. I attack.”- Ferdinand Forch

Finally, there are times when life comes crashing down and you can’t figure it out. Self pity isn’t going to help the situation. Defiance, like all character traits, has its time. There are moments when the best thing you can do is to push back and push hard.

Life will overwhelm you if you let it.  Keep your head high during difficult times and you will be in a better place to work your way out of the fire. Life works out. Always. It doesn’t always work out the way you hoped or planned but it always works out. Stay strong and don’t let life think that it can push you around.

What is your favourite bad-ass quote?


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